Saturday, April 27, 2013

11 Months

Ah!  Only one more month until our baby turns 1!!  I have no idea where time has gone.  Jack will go to the doctor the beginning of June, so we will have a good idea of height and weight then.  He has moved into some 12 month clothing depending on how they fit.

Jack, Jack:
  • You had a lot of firsts this month.  First haircut-March 31st...First tooth (bottom left)-April 19th...First ear infection (double)-April 25th
  • You are able to stand alone for about 30 seconds.  Your legs are strong enough to lower your body gently back down to the ground rather than falling. 
  • You are a speed crawler.  Seriously, when you see food or a remote, you take off! 
  • You are also awesome at cruising!
  • You have become much more sensitive to your surroundings.  If your sister isn't sharing or takes a toy away that you were playing with, you get the saddest look on your face and start to cry.  You also hate it when someone opens that pantry door and closes it before you get there.  You must know this is where the food is!!
  • Speaking of food, you have quite the appepite!  At some meals, you eat more than your sister.  You are on formula only now and take 2 1/2 to 3 eight-ounce bottles per day. 
  • You take 1-2 naps per day, totaling about 3 hours of sleep.  At night, you go to bed around 7 and wake up at 6:30 to go to the sitter. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Birthday, Princess!

This little girl turned 3 years old today! 

Some notes about our big 3 year old:
  • Very GIRLY! Caroline is high maintenance and loves dressing up and wearing skirts/dresses. 
  • Obsessed with princesses!
  • Favorite colors are pink and purple.
  • Picky eater.  Some of her favorites are spaghetti, pepperoni pizza, grilled cheese, and random foods dipped in peanut butter.
  • Potty trained easily over Christmas break.
  • Hates bugs and thunderstorms.
  • Sleeping in a toddler bed since September 2012.
  • Talks very well and can carry on conversations.
  • Very independent.
  • Still has some difficulty sharing, but has come a long way over the past year.
  • Rarely naps anymore.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

9 Months

  • You LOVE eating any type of fruit and veggie that we have fed you, which is quite a few.  You also enjoy table foods like Cheerios, Gerber puffs, and yogurt melts.  One of these days we may find something you aren't interested in, but for now we are thankful for a non-picky eater.
  • Your napping schedule has been a bit odd at times.  Some days you don't go down for a morning nap until 10.  This wouldn't be a problem if you only slept for an hour or so, but when you sleep for 3 hours it totally messes up your eating and napping schedule for the rest of the day!
  • You take 3 8-ounce bottles per day; one in the morning, one around lunch time, and the other before bed.  The past couple days you have really challenged us to get in your last two bottles.  You drink a few ounces and then decide it would be more fun to look around and play.
  • You have moved from scooting and crawling to just crawling.  You are a typical crawler, using all fours, and boy are you FAST!  We can't leave you anywhere or turn our backs even for a second!  You love exploring the house!!
  • You managed to crawl up 3 stairs for the first time on 2/15.  You were quite proud of yourself. 
  • You are beginning to understand the word 'no,' though that doesn't necessarily mean that you listen.  :)
  • You have really discovered your voice over the past month.  You love babbling in the car and in your crib before we get you in the morning.  It's hard to get a chance to talk when you have a sister that talks non-stop!
  • You have mastered lowering yourself down after standing up.  You are still learning what things are/are not strong enough for you to pull up on!  This may take a while!!
Going into this post I thought that there wasn't a whole lot to say about the past month.  Oops!  I guess when you love someone so much, you enjoy talking about them and sharing their milestones.  :)  Love you, buddy!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

SNOW Much Fun

Joe and Caroline braved the 20 degree weather on New Year's Day!  We were lucky that it snowed the day before Joe had off anyway, so he was able to enjoy the snow with Caroline.  This was her first time sledding (or as she calls it, "Using her sleigh.").  We have a pretty decent hill in the back, and Caroline really seemed to enjoy herself!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Tricks

Jack must have decided that he wanted to ring in the new year by showing off.  He has now progressed from scooting to crawling.  With this crawling, he has discovered that there is much more to the house than just the  family and living rooms.  Jack now enjoys making his way to the staircase and into the kitchen.  Guess there is no going back now.  I guess I should do a better job of "baby-proofing" the new house!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

7 Months Old

Jack doesn't go back to the doctor until February for his 9 month check-up.  According to our scale at home, he weighs 17.8 pounds.  I have no idea about height.  Poor Jack has always been under the 10% in this area, but I have faith he will catch up!  Jack has moved into a size 3 diaper and is wear 6/9 month clothing.  It's hard to believe that he's getting so big.  Jack is starting to look so grown up!!
  • You love eating real food.  As of now, you have tried sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, apples and apples/oranges, and bananas.  Unlike your sister, I think you would much prefer eating food over taking your bottle. 
  • Speaking of bottles, you take 3-4 bottles per day. 
  • You have always been a mover, even before you were born, so it it so surprise that you started getting up on your hands and knees the first week of December and by the 11th of this month, you had begun to scoot (see previous post).  We are in big trouble!
  • You generally take two naps a day (morning and afternoon).  You go to bed by 7:00 p.m.  Unless we wake you up around 6:45 a.m. to go to the sitter's house, you will sleep until between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m.
  • You started experiencing mild separation anxiety at the beginning of December.  If we put you down and walked away, you would let us know that you objected by fussing for a minute or so.
  • You are such a happy baby boy!  You always have a big grin on your face, and your temperment is so laid-back and easy going.  How have we gotten so lucky?!?